

The Carolus Magnus Summer School is primarily intended for PhD students as well as for master students who intend to become PhD students after the present academic year. Experienced scientists or engineers who, coming from other disciplines, recently entered the fields of plasma physics or nuclear fusion will also benefit from the Summer School that will provide an overview of various interconnected research domains.

The total fee of 1250 EUR covers the registration, the accommodation, meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), and transportation to FZJ and DIFFER during the two excursion days.

Registrations will be open from Monday, 4 March 2024 to Friday, 26 April 2024. Because of the limited number of accommodation rooms available, the maximum number of registered participants is set to 50. Preference will be given to students and early-career researchers with most relevant background.

We will confirm the results of the selection shortly after the deadline such that the selected participants can plan their travel.

EU-based students may apply for funding for this summer school from FuseNet. Registration before the summer school is required. Please visit FuseNet for more details.

Deadline for payment is Friday, 31 May 2024.
New: Payment details



Laboratory for Plasma Physics
Avenue de la Renaissance 30
1000 Brussels, Belgium

ITER Belgium
Renaissance Fusion